Rabu, 01 November 2017

True Story : A Trial of Robbing and Murder

The real story of my life.
Two years ago, I remember when I saw the incident motorbike robbing, on sunday night, I forgot about date of that day. In that moment I can not do anything, I just look at the robber who successful steal a motorcycle. I saw so much people running over the robber, they tried to catch him but he slipped away from pursue of peoples.

In the morning story of my life began. I do not know anything, even nothing bad feeling on me, no nightmare, no bad sign, and nothing strange in the morning. The accident began when I went to bojong park on the afternoon. I found rest area and go there, somebody (2 mens) come near but i do not feel something bad will happen to me.

At the beginning they look like good persons, They gave me some cigarettes but when they are give me beveragedrink and force me to assort it I feel something bad will happen to me.
I remember at 6 p.m. one of them asked me to bring him to see his friend's house, he said he will pawn his phone for buy some beveragedrink anymore, from the beginning I pushed away his demand but unexpectedly he rose up my motorcycle with me in his backside go to his friend's home but there are nobody home and he turned away with me on my motorcycle. When we arrive at TK Alam (playgroup) he kicked me up from my motorcycle but he fall from my motor too. I took the keys from my motorcycle quickly but he punched me and then we fight but because his body is biggest than me I can not do anything, when I have bruised and my head full of blood there is a men helped me and bring me to police office, police office is beside the accident (beside TK Alam).
He has saved me but the robber can escape. I am so lucky because the robber did not bring a sharp thing like knife or sicle, I heard that whom bring a sword is his friend, when the accident begin he looking for us but he came late cause I escaped from his friend quickly (The Robber) I do not know what will happen to me if no one help me, And five minutes later my family come to police office, my mama looked at me and she is crying because blood is everywhere, on my head, on my t-shirt, and even my face but i do not know what happen. The only thing that I thinked is "I will faint". The scars on my head still hurt sometimes until now. My mama saved my life because she has bring me to the hospital quickly, on the way to the hospital she is crying beside me without me that I can not do anything. So do not trust stranger even when they are look like a good people and do not judge people quickly.

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Having Fun in Campus

I have finished my study from senior high school, I really want to continue my education to college because education more important for me. But, my parents asked me to find a job first. The most difficult thing is convince my parents that education is the most important than everything.

My first day in the college, the one and only that I felt is  nervous when interview session began. I entered the faculty of education, I really do not know the rules about dresses in faculty of education (FKIP).
The lecture on the first week is introduction, introduce my self to classmates, that was fun I can know and have some new friends, new class, and new family. Its true that college will obtain so much tasks waiting for you, every lectures will give you one task or homework. But, I feel like at home when I’m in colllege. And what about my story of love, everywhere I go there will always loved around me..

On the second week I have got a lot of tasks and homework. I think its a challenge for me, made my self in order to force me to do something hard, something impossible for me.

Everything will be easy if we enjoy the process and success is all that we got from difficult process

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