Rabu, 20 Maret 2019

The shooting tragedy in New Zealand started from game online “PUBG”

     A new fatwa regarding the ban on online games especially "PUBG" reappeared due to a shooting case in New Zealand

"I'm sure this game has been planned intentionally for a long time," he said, citing a report on the New Straits Times on Tuesday (03/19/2019).

“The purpose is to create the younger generation's mindset so that they enjoyed the war, to fight and enjoyed inhuman activities,” He added.

"The government must pay attention because the game is now included as part of esports," he said.

“It is not impossible that firearms can be easily accessed one day, think about the consequences if PUBG is part of our young people’s lives,” he added.

“World leaders were people who created Islamophobia... If the people (world leaders) above hate Islam, it is not suprising if that the people bellow them will follow him,” he explained.

The sentences above is the quote that I took from the site that I found on Internet, and I disagree with some goverment's decision which want to ban PUBG or the other game online. I am not one of the people who play PUBG. But, many of my friends played the game and they still think sane. I mean, because there was one shooting tragedy that happen in New Zealand and took the name of PUBG so that the government blame PUBG party, which even the government has not yet known the truth about is, PUBG affect the shooter to do shooting act in real life. It does not rule out the possibility that many other reason which push the shooter to do the shooting. Like business competition for example, because as we know online games are being in great demand by everyone today, especially young people. And game makers must compete to attract people to play their game, and so many new games come to the business or old games that can success to attract people back to play the game with thair innovation and variation, competition becomes increasingly difficult, and there are still many other possibilitiee that cause the shooter do the act.

Source : https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/fintech/20190319091045-37-61468/negara-bagian-malaysia-mau-haramkan-game-pubg

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Senin, 11 Maret 2019

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